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Review: Cinamaker 2.0 iOS Live-Switched Streaming and Editing Solution

Cinamaker 2.0 is really coming together into a solid iOS-based production solution. Standout features include loading and saving projects, the built-in editor, and dedicated chroma key on each channel.

然后有三种iOS解决方案,你可以接受多个摄像头或视频馈送, live switch between them, 记录, and stream your program to the world. Cinamaker使用不同于Teradek Live:Air和Switcher Studio的设计, but it's still pretty easy to grasp. +, 它提供了几个经常被要求的功能和一个值得你注意的独特奖励:内置的节目后重新编辑你的实时切换视频.

现在有三种可靠的解决方案可以在iPad上实时切换视频制作, 它作为多摄像机直播中心的有效性已不容置疑. iPad已经足够强大了,这个平台也适合这种水平的产品. I recently did a head-to-head test of Cinamaker, vs. Teradek Live2Air, vs. Switcher Studio to see which offered the highest quality. 《百家乐软件》以微弱优势获得“最佳影片奖”,以微弱优势屈居第二.

The iPad can indeed take in multiple FullHD video feeds, from wired or wireless devices, or from iOS and Android phones, and it can not only switch smoothly between them, but it can add titles, graphics, and overlays; play back video; and 记录 an entire program while also streaming it to the CDN of your choice. Let’s move past the basics and see what Cinamaker offers.

Cinamaker set me up with a demo account with full Studio privileges, and then in the middle of the test, changed the pricing and platforms, which confused the app. 在视频中,你可以看到我在演示过程中突然被两个摄像头输入锁住了, after just having three. 这在价格结构改变后的新应用更新中得到解决. Cinamaker还借给了我一些硬件配件来测试以太网供电能力. I returned all of this gear at the end of the test.

In the basic version of Cinamaker, you can access two cameras. 如果你以每月20美元的价格订阅Pro版,你可以选择四款相机. 这些摄像头可以是iOS,也可以是使用Cinamaker提供的HDMI接口盒的“真正的”摄像头. 你可以使用数码单反、摄像机、GoPro或几乎任何通过HDMI输出高清视频的设备.

This opens up a world of possibilities. You can break away from iPhone camera limitations and use real, 20x+ optical zoom lenses in a camcorder. Or get shallow DoF from a prime lens on a full-frame DSLR.

除了这个视频功能之外,你还可以回放你加载到应用程序中的视频. 您可以改变这些视频的音频级别,以便在最终输出中所有内容的音频级别匹配. In the version I tested, 然而, there wasn't a master program level meter, or a meter on the clip, so it's doable, but it will be trial and error until there's 
more audio metering in the app.

The Ecosystem


Cinamaker在他们的网站上发布了包含iOS设备连接的“解决方案”, power over ether网, HDMI converters, 等. It’s a good start, but it misses out on WiFi solutions and audio mixers as well, 因为我经常看到这些话题被推荐给这个领域的新手.

以太网供电(PoE)是许多生产商一开始可能不会考虑的解决方案, but it makes a lot of sense. 有几个标准,在网络的这个小方面很容易混淆.

能够从你的iPhone上接收视频,并通过一根电缆为它提供无尽的电力, is extremely convenient. What’s more, because the video is on a wire, there's near-zero chance of dropped frames because of WiFi issues.

如果您的设置将保持在适当的位置,并且需要一次运行数小时, 或者可能要与无线拥塞作斗争(比如在贸易展览或博览会上),那么让你的设备连接到电线上将是一个很棒的解决方案. 很高兴看到Cinamaker不仅仅是提供一个应用程序,而是更深入地研究生态系统,提供更完整的解决方案,并向那些只想要好用的设备的客户推荐设备.

除此之外,Cinamaker在应用程序上有一个非常酷的帮助按钮(Figure 1, below),它会立即给你叠加,告诉你在任何给定的时间屏幕上的所有不同的部分. 我发现这个功能对我理解屏幕上的图标非常有帮助,直到我开始记住它们. Perfect for the new video producer.

Figure 1. Cinamaker’s helpful Help overlays

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