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How ESPN Could Break the Cable TV Model

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Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James. Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, Joe Montana. 在这些关于山羊的辩论中,你想站在哪一边都行,因为他们都不是改变游戏规则的人 ESPN is.

自1979年开播以来,ESPN改变了有线电视的面貌. As the first 所有-sports, nationwide cable network, 该频道似乎一夜之间成为了全国数百万体育迷的目的地电视. 从那时起,它已经发展成为一个编程巨头,是 The Walt Disney Company’s 帝国娱乐也因此改写了有线电视订阅费的所有规则.

近五十年后,媒体格局发生了变化,但ESPN的影响力依然存在. And with the network toying with the idea of dipping their toe into the st和alone streaming space, the cable TV space could be on the precipice of a tipping point.

How ESPN Got…En Fuego

要理解ESPN的影响力,就要认识到这个网络在体育迷的结构中是多么根深蒂固. 在ESPN之前,体育新闻和比分都被压缩到当地晚间新闻的两分钟片段中. 忘记追随另一个电视市场的超级巨星吧. 粉丝们必须等到全国性的“每周游戏”,才能赶上最新一集 This Week in Baseb所有, 或者停留在 Monday Night Footb所有 for anything beyond a brief recap of what their local teams did.

ESPN changed 所有 that, 和 sports fans responded in droves. On the back of their eventual flagship show 体育中心, ESPN became not just a profitable cable network, 它的锚, their catch phrases, even their show’s intro jingles, 成为流行文化的猫薄荷和文化时代精神的永久组成部分. 突然之间,从萨克拉门托到迈阿密,每个人的客厅里都能看到飞人乔丹的扣篮. 1983年,网络站稳脚跟,成为官方网络 United States Footb所有 League, the springtime league that featured Herschel Walker, 史蒂夫年轻人, Jim Kelly 和 dozens of others who would eventu所有y play in the National Footb所有 League.

The Big Four sports leagues took note. Major League Baseb所有 sold ESPN its Sunday Night Baseb所有 package, 和 ESPN proved it could deliver a live, weekly broadcast for a Top-4 sport.

ESPN和 sports were one 和 the same, 和 the NBANHL (最终, 美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)也将在未来几年效仿ESPN,将其部分或全部的全国电视节目套餐出售给ESPN. A sports fan couldn’t live without ESPN, 和 ESPN knew it. 他们利用这一优势通过多服务运营商(mso)将其兑现.

ESPN Dunks on Cable…With Authority!

长期以来,ESPN一直是mso迫使客户进入频道捆绑层的利器. For Disney to ensure carriage at high dollars on a per subscriber, per month basis for its properties, ESPN与ESPN 2等分支体育网络的配套产品捆绑在一起, ESPNEWS, ESPNU to other properties like 美国广播公司 家庭(现在 自由的), 迪斯尼频道 等., 所有 for an inflated price per month per sub.

传达的信息是:想要ESPN以及随之而来的狂热用户群? 你们必须拿走我们所有的分销业务,并为此付给我们丰厚的报酬. 如果你不知道, ESPN的观众对ESPN的忠诚度远高于对有线电视或卫星电视提供商的忠诚度.

在较小程度上,区域体育网络(rsn)也能做到这一点. 例如, 纽约洋基队的股权 是的网络 went through multiple fee battles with MSOs for years, 其中许多是由于洋基队转播的吸引力而赢得的. But in recent years, YES已经扩展到流媒体平台,如YouTube上电视和Fubo TV, 和 fin所有y this spring, launched its own direct-to-consumer st和alone platform.

这就是ESPN独立流媒体项目的前景——代号为“旗舰”,” according to the W所有 Street Journal – 如此有趣的. ESPN’s current streaming service – ESPN +, which was launched in 2018 – offers some, but not 所有 ESPN content (most notably Monday Night Footb所有). So even though it has over 25 million subscribers, it hasn’t eliminated the need for a cable subscription. If ESPN offers the full product without the tether to cable, 就像YES电视网对那些只想看洋基队比赛的球迷所做的那样, then that pressure is removed, 和 cable bundles may begin to f所有 apart.

The Beginning of the End?

一些分析人士对ESPN的影响力如此之大感到震惊, 和 an ESPN streaming service wouldn’t be an industry first. 然而,这将是mso遭受的又一次身体打击.

电视直播的体育观众,其中许多人年龄偏大,已经习惯了流媒体. 美国职业棒球大联盟过去也与Facebook Watch达成过协议,目前双方的协议仍在积极进行中 孔雀苹果电视. 亚马逊Prime独家播放NFL的周四晚橄榄球赛, 和 starting this season, their popular Sunday Ticket package is now only available on YouTube上电视.  ESPN和 Hulu carry national broadcasts of the NHL. 体育流媒体并不只是面向年轻观众,迪士尼高管们非常清楚这一点.

So, ESPN进军独立流媒体市场可能会扰乱整个行业, 从mso到广告商,甚至是它自己的节目(这些节目充斥着ESPN的日间电视频道,足以吸引流媒体观众)?). Live sports is streaming’s final frontier. Once streaming conquers it, the cable model could f所有 apart. ESPN的举动也许不是有线电视的丧钟,但它肯定会让有线电视陷入困境. 如果整个行业的利益相关者都没有意识到这一举动是潜在的游戏规则改变者, they’ll risk getting left behind.

伊恩·格林布拉特 技术、媒体和电信情报部门的总经理是 J.D. 权力. With in-depth industry expertise, Ian在快速融合的环境中推动市场战略, which encompasses the entire communications sector.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from J.D. 权力. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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