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阿联酋电信 Goes Live with Cloud OTT Service Using Syna媒体’s 无限 Platform


Syna媒体 今天宣布阿联酋最大的运营商, 阿联酋电信,已推出 SwitchTV, a new direct-to-consumer (D2C) service based on Syna媒体’s 无限 云电视平台及其端到端 视频网络 投资组合.

阿联酋电信, the leading telecommunication operator in emerging markets, chose to work with Syna媒体 because its technologies provide the flexibility, 需要支持安全性和敏捷性, monetise 和 scale a multi-screen service with both free 和 premium live TV channels, 追赶和按需. Of particular importance is Syna媒体’s private CDN, allowing 阿联酋电信 to leverage its infrastructure 和 private cloud solutions to deliver content to large audiences.

With 无限, 阿联酋电信 can process, secure, distribute 和 monetise video to all consumer devices. Benefits include the flexibility to offer a choice of SwitchTV subscription packages 和 different movie rental models. Users can also enjoy a personalised viewing experience, making it easy to find their favorite content 和 deepening their engagement. 与Syna媒体 云DVR solution, viewers can record programs in the cloud 和 watch them on any of their devices. Syna媒体 also supports 阿联酋电信’s multi-language requirements with channels offering Arabic, 西方和亚洲内容.

除了, 阿联酋电信 is deploying Syna媒体’s end-to-end 视频网络 to reduce latency at every stage of the video workflow – from encoding through to the CDN 和 player – while also minimising b和width requirements. This ensures that SwitchTV gives viewers a highly reliable, consistently high-quality viewing experience with no interruptions or buffering.

无限是预积分的 Evergent’s market-leading global revenue 和 customer lifecycle management platform, giving 阿联酋电信 the advantage of a comprehensive carrier-grade subscriber management solution. The integration with Evergent’s multi-tenant platform made it easy to launch SwitchTV 和 grow the business with targeted promotions, advanced product 和 offer management 和 bundling with other 阿联酋电信 services.

“The SwitchTV OTT service represents a step change for the residents of UAE,伊夫·帕德里内斯说, Syna媒体首席执行官. “多亏了我们全面的解决方案, 阿联酋电信 has a flexible offering that appeals to a broad range of audiences – from those looking for free programs, to those wanting premium live experiences or to rent movies. Users have started downloading the apps 和 feedback on the quality of experience 和 features is extremely positive.”

“SwitchTV is a game-changer for viewers across the region.  Evergent complements the Syna媒体 service with pre-integrated, advanced 和 innovative monetisation options that contribute to a seamless customer journey. Evergent is thrilled to be part of 阿联酋电信’s digital transformation strategy with SwitchTV,Vijay Sajja说, Evergent创始人兼首席执行官.


阿联酋电信 Group is one of the world’s leading telecom groups in emerging markets. 合并净收入为52迪拉姆.2 billion 和 consolidated net profit of AED 8.2019年70亿美元. Its high credit ratings reflect the company’s strong balance sheet 和 proven long-term performance.

总部设在阿布扎比, 阿联酋电信 was established over four decades ago in the UAE as the country’s first telecommunications service provider. 一个国际蓝筹组织, 阿联酋电信 Group provides innovative solutions 和 services to 150 million subscribers in 16 countries across the Middle East, 亚洲和非洲.

网站: www.阿联酋电信.ae 


We’re helping service 和 content providers around the world to deliver, protect 和 monetise video content so they can win in the age of 无限 Entertainment. 我们用世界上最完整的, secure 和 advanced end-to-end open video delivery solution. Our 投资组合 features award-winning 视频网络 services, best-in-class anti-piracy solutions 和 intelligence, 和 video platforms with fully integrated capabilities including 云DVR 和 advanced advertising. And we’re trusted by over 200 top satellite DTH, 电缆, 电信和OTT运营商, 广播公司和媒体公司.

Syna媒体是由 Permira基金 和 天空.

Twitter: @Syna媒体Video

LinkedIn: Syna媒体


Evergent’s market-leading Integrated Revenue 和 Customer Lifecycle Management platform helps the world’s leading communication, 媒体, 和 entertainment companies reduce time to market for products 和 services, 简化复杂的盈利模式, 并更有效地运行后台流程. Evergent’s customers include leading carriers such as AT&T, 附近的旅馆, 新加坡电信和阿联酋电信, 和 leading 媒体 companies such as FOX 和 Sony Entertainment Television. Evergent的总部位于森尼维尔, 加州, 和 has offices in San Diego 和 Los Angeles 和 internationally in Australia, 加拿大, 印度, 日本, 和新加坡.

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