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Video: How Viable Is Cloud-Based Pro Production Today?

Learn more about remote live production at the next 直播峰会.

Watch the complete panel discussion from 直播峰会, LS203. 穿着睡衣远程生产,在… 流媒体 Conference Video Portal.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

乔恩·兰德曼: 我们必须是现实主义者,对吧? I still think that we're at a time where, if I wanted to do something that was very important, I would want to make sure that I had a crew. But within a year to two years remote production will be as reliable as on-site production. There are a couple of technologies that are coming along that we hope will allow us to guarantee that the feeds that we're going to get from a particular location will get to where we need them to get.

One of the challenges that we have today, is connectivity. 我们出现在这样的设施里, 我们对自己说, “好吧, I want to deploy a couple of cameras, 把开关放进去. 我要怎么离开这里?" That is our biggest Achilles heel. 我想我们都希望5G, which is going to be rolled out 在 US--I don't know how it is in Europe--will get us more bandwidth into the cloud.

I think that the switches that we have, and the graphic engines that we have 在 cloud at the moment are still rudimentary. Their reliability and development really still need to be proven to be something that, if someone is paying you to provide a product, 你必须保证产品的质量.

梅根·瓦格纳: 就编辑而言, live-over-internet is pretty reliable,在… sense that we're editing on pretty low-bandwidth proxy files, and then we start transcoding as soon as it comes in, so you're able to immediately manipulate the feed and start editing and play it out. It is important though to have redundancy, and we can do that in different clouds. We can have several different instances 在 same region, 在全球不同地区, and then all of that doesn't make a lot of sense unless you have an automatic failover. So, 一旦发生这种情况, as a service you've got to be able to quickly switch and not interrupt that live feed.

乔恩·兰德曼: We've seen great reliability 在 cloud with using services from AWS. I mean, their security is very good. They have a lot of inherent redundancy built into their servers. So we utilize their worldwide deployment of POP sites to be able to automatically route video. 如果我看到很多丢包, in any particular area and route them through someone else, 别的地方. And the internet is an interesting animal. Everyone assumes that everything is good and safe 在 internet. 我给你们举个例子. I was doing a stream from New York to L.A. Going through a POP site in Chicago, 几周前, and I'm seeing that the bit rate is going up to the cloud. I can see that we're not dropping any packets and yet, what we're looking at the decoder on the other,在…, 在西海岸, 看起来很糟糕, 我们丢了很多包. You know, at that point you start to think, "Oh there's a problem with the equipment.直到有人说, "Oh let's route it via a server in Brazil," so we're going down south from Brazil up to the west coast and it looked perfect!

These are the kinds of things that you you are dealing with on a daily basis with IP and you have to be able to be resilient enough and to understand enough to able to work around those kinds of problems. And they're, it's a very different kind of problem from running a cable on a floor. 这是一个非常不同的技能组合. People need to understand that kind of technology. 它不是真正的摄像师. It's a different skill set completely.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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