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Mario Armstrong: This show is called The Never Settle Show. 这个节目的整体理念是通过采访、片段和嘉宾来真正帮助人们打破自己的壳, build more confidence, pursue your passions, maximize your human potential, start that business, turn that side gig into a real thing. It's really focused on that niche, that audience.

这是一种脱口秀形式,在纽约拍摄,大约50人在演播室里观看. 我们最终通过Facebook Live拍摄的原因是因为我们拍了一个试播集, like most TV shows or most content creators will do, go out and try to pitch the pilot. 是的,你可以看到那里的观众,这是一个很棒的镜头.

You go out and pitch to networks, 我是《百家乐app下载》上的一个人高管们还会对我说, "Mario, we love you but we don't really get this idea. 我们不明白你怎么能做到实时. Wait, 你说你要做实时社交媒体, 所以在他们的设备上观看的人可以在你的节目进行时在你的节目中发表评论, 然后你在和客人聊天的时候告诉我, 你将能够获取信息并将其融入到实际的现场表演中. This isn't pre-taped, this isn't post-edited. 你如何确保内容中不会出现一堆脏话和其他不合适的东西?"

他们对正在发生的创新水平一无所知. 这要追溯到一年半以前,这个节目在上周三刚刚结束,为期六周. That's when we decided, "Okay, we're going to put it in our own hands," and we decided to do it with Facebook Live. 在这一点上,你开始考虑分布. For those of you who do not know, Facebook Live为你提供了巨大的推广机会. Forget about your page, 如果你没有下面的内容,那么你要做的就是将你的内容与有下面内容的页面对齐.

We aligned with Entrepreneur Magazine, made the most sense. They got it right away. It was a no-brainer. 他们的Facebook页面上大约有350万人. You could stop there but you shouldn't. 然后你应该做的是找到其他Facebook页面和其他可以播放该节目的传播渠道. Now, 不管你是把它从主要节目中分享出来,还是把它分发到本地,让它出现, 关键在于,你可以在Facebook上进行推广,这样你就可以创建自己的特别推广模式,从而获得大规模推广.

然后我们正在做的互动部分是我们会在Facebook聊天中接收你的评论,并将这些评论播出. 所以我们不仅可以用这些东西做低三分之一和图形, but we could also do live voting. 你可以给关键词和标签,然后让人们投票.

我们在节目中会做的一件事是说,“你想看什么?我们会问人们:“你接下来想看什么??” We would give them three choices, 也许有一个被录下来了,这是制作团队的每个人都希望看到的. But then what gets picked is the conga line, 所以现在我得出去跳这该死的康加舞, and they're like, "Follow him and get the steady on him." It's real-time and the people are shaping that. We even took it a step further really quickly, before we even started the show, we really tried to do an open-source model to this. 我上过很多脱口秀——史蒂夫·哈维,瑞秋·雷. 他们都做得很好,但他们的模式多年来一直是相同的,没有任何创新. 我想颠覆这一切,做一些相反的事情.

当你来到我们的节目时,你实际上是踏上红地毯,然后重复一步. 有整整一个小时的社交活动,品酒会和摊贩. 我们把观众当作贵宾,而不仅仅是客人. That's a difference. The other big difference is we crowd-produce it, 所以在节目开始之前,我们就会问人们, "What are the topics you want to see on this show?“我们会直播我们的人群生产会议,全国各地的陌生人都会收听,感觉他们在编辑部有了一席之地. That just doesn't happen in TV; people don't want to relinquish that control, 但我们从中发现并学到了很多东西,在节目播出第一集之前,我们就有了很多支持者.

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