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Now Is the Time for Cloud Graphics

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Watch the complete presentation from 流媒体 West, T102. 你需要知道的关于云图形和数字覆盖的一切,在… 流媒体 Conference Video Portal.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

Brian环: 云图形基本上是使用HTML在浏览器的屏幕上呈现动态内容,然后将这些帧写入视频的图形. 多年来,许多在图像方面经验丰富的玩家都曾使用过带有浏览器的笔记本电脑, with an SDI out or an HDMI out into their workflows. 因此,将高质量的图形集成到您的产品中是一件非常简单和容易的事情.

如果这已经存在了这么长时间,这些技术浪潮确实来了又走, why did I decide now is the time?

Number one--and I wouldn't say these are really in order, but in some sense they probably are--you're all aware of Twitch; there's a Twitch economy that's growing and exploding. It's changing the way that people interact. 他们看什么类型的内容,以及他们如何与这些内容互动. Chat and emojis and tips are a real part of this environment, so it's a real conversational kind of environment. And that ecosystem has spawned companies, 这两个都列在我的生态系统幻灯片上你们稍后会看到.

One of them was called Stream Labs. Stream Labs was just acquired by Logitech for 90 million dollars. Another one's called 流元素, 这两家公司所做的基本上都是说,嘿,我们可以在屏幕上创建很多有趣的图形、文本和交互性,只要在HTML中创建这些覆盖层,然后把它们引入OBS软件. OBS软件是开放广播软件,希望大家熟悉. How many are familiar with OBS, cause this is kind of key? So I talked about Wirecast and vMix. This is the open source tool of such. 一种软件,基本上是Twitch和罗技和英伟达, amongst other companies, have just poured a lot of money into this ecosystem.

So you have these startups that are basically, 如我所说, 流元素, 我们稍后会讲到创建这些叠加它们嵌入到Twitch平台中. So if you're a Twitch streamer and you want people in your chat, 你想把这些聊天信息放到你的屏幕上. That ecosystem has really has had a lot of money poured into it. That's really important.

第二个, 在一般情况下, 不仅是Twitch,直播和网红经济也是推动这一趋势的另一大因素. 同样的原因,还有第三个法律和文化的变化. I'll point to a couple things, we all know that gambling, 体育赌博, 体育博彩现在将在全国各州合法. In addition recently, 最近,美国大学生体育协会做出了一项裁决,不能阻止大学运动员利用他们的名字和肖像赚钱. That's gonna be a huge piece of fuel, this is an influencer economy, it's about live streaming, it's about the interactivity. 我个人预测NCAA的裁决将产生非常大的影响.

你也有,就像我提到的,社交媒体互动在聊天中的兴起和重要性. I'm gonna share a demo, I call it IRL chat. 我想说的是,表情符号是我们嘲笑了很多年的东西. 现在, you have to make jokes about hey, we're losing language, we're gonna go back to the time of hieroglyphics. Which I never have been able to pronounce very well. And the truth is that's happening in real time, like even my Outlook app now, not only emojis but GIFs.

所以我认为把这些东西融入到我们的视觉语言中是一个巨大的进步. I'm not making a value judgment on that by the way, whether it's good or bad, 但我要说的是,Slack在这方面一直是一股力量,它引入了更多的表情符号. To the point I'm trying to make, there was literally a Wall Street Journal article last month that 本质上 said, you know what? 在办公室里,按照这些规则到处使用表情符号是可以的. 所以我们的想法是,在我们的交流中加入更多的视觉语言. I do think that's an important part of this. 我们有全球化,所以更多的屏幕和更多的内容在更多的地方. 如果你要在全球范围内发布内容你想在屏幕上显示不同的语言, that's one of the major trends I would say.

第六点,我会更具体地讲一下,有一个游戏叫Kahoot. I don't know if you've ever seen it, 但我将在演示中讲解这个,所以我现在不会花太多时间在上面. 但很多人都知道应用就是一切,很多大公司都在追逐大企业, the app is everything.

So for all these years, 本质上, mobile web browsing has been forgotten, and it's a really bad experience for the most part. 有一家叫Kahoot的公司,还有一家叫Crowdpurr的公司也在我的名单上. Another company called Quizlet. What are these companies doing? Well they're starting at the educational level, on back to school night was when I discovered Kahoot, and a teacher in the class asked everyone to pick up their phones. 我一会儿就做这个,所以你不用现在就做.

但重点是, if you try to get people to download an app, 在游戏中, 假设, 在一个地点, 你会失败. Nobody wants to do that; it never quite works. 如果你能给他们一个简单干净的网页,不需要注册. Maybe they would log on to that tool.

Kahoot和Quizlet的成功以及这种新型的互动工具给了我一些灵感, 也许在这种双屏环境中还有其他的东西,只要我们不设置所有这些障碍来阻止人们使用这个平台.

We've all seen these patterns come and go, 但当它们不能正常工作时,我总是记得在互动电视时代. 很早以前,Dish就在互动电视游戏领域投入了大量精力,我记得我当时很看好它,非常兴奋, 在科罗拉多的时候, 一次盛大的峰会, and Charlie Ergen came to the stage for about 10 minutes. He's gonna give a good presentation. Very dynamic, charismatic guy. 他基本上是告诉整个房间的人我们会失败直到应用程序的加载时间少于15秒. 那时候,你按下一个按钮,然后坐着等. 所以如果某些东西不能工作,那么你就不能真正判断用例中是否会有吸收.

然后是云, I just put that word there in the beginning in the ellipses, just because I think you all know It's on demand, 它是全球, new ways of configuring where resources are and how they're used. 最后是开源,它在各个方面都推动了大量的创新. I would say even here you literally have, 因为Twitch, Twitch流媒体和OBS,你有公司在GPU云上销售OBS. 这些都是非常具有颠覆性的趋势,我认为这些趋势将在2020年重新引起人们对我们今天在这里讨论的一些活动的兴趣.

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