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To Protect and Serve: A DRM Primer

我们知道你想要了解如何保护和盈利你的内容,所以我们去了源头. 我们采访了数字版权管理(DRM)领域的知名人士,以便您获得所需的所有信息.

Why use DRM in the first place? “By securing something with DRM, 这是, 在我看来, the only sure and certain way to guarantee that that content is monetizable. Now you’ve made it selectable and accessible only to a restricted few. 因此,你可以给它定价,”爱迪德美洲副总裁简•斯廷坎普(Jan Steenkamp)说. But there are a few questions you should ask yourself first:

“你要进行DRM和保护的内容实际上是有价格和价值的内容吗? I think a lot of the debate has been DRM or non-DRM, 我认为这很大程度上是因为人们沉迷于DRM,并试图保护那些没有真正高价值的内容. As soon as you identify the fact that you have high value, 你应该对它进行数字版权管理, 并进行数字版权保护, 你实际上确保了你得到了一个公平价值的价格,斯廷坎普说, who was CEO of Entriq before that company was acquired by Irdeto.

主要有四种选择, 这在一定程度上与版权所有者的决定以及你选择的播放器技术有关, 据马克·泰勒说, vice president of product delivery for Level 3's content market group. There’s PlayReady and Windows Media Rights Manager from Microsoft, which is the most widely used and there’s Flash Access, formerly Flash Media Rights Management Server, and the RTMPe function built into Flash Media Server from Adobe, 泰勒说.

WMRM and PlayReady and FlashAcess almost all work identically. They all have the same model where you encrypt your content, 将其交付给用户, 向用户提供一个许可密钥,这个密钥决定他们可以观看内容多长时间,或者他们可以将内容复制到多少台设备上,或者他们可以播放多少次.

的WMRM, PlayReady and FlashAccess solutions require you to encrypt a file, 将该文件传递给用户,然后发送给他们一个密钥,以便他们的计算机可以解密该文件并将其呈现给他们相关的播放器, 泰勒说. RTMPe is a secure connection through which an insecure file passes. “如果你只是在做流媒体——adobe在这方面非常擅长——(工作室)对RTMpe解决方案非常满意. If you’re doing a purchase to own or download to rent, 那么微软的技术或者Adobe的Flash Access更合适, because you actually have the complete file on your disc.到目前为止, RTMPe only provides real-time encryption to for streamed video, 泰勒说, 未下载视频, though that’s going to change with Adobe’s Flash Access 2.0. Level 3 works with 3 of the 4 solutions, 尽管选择微软的Windows Media Rights Manager或PlayReady的用户需要聘请第三方服务来托管和交付加密密钥以及整个DRM平台.

What’s involved in setting up a DRM system? 让我们从Adobe开始. “If you want to add encryption, 有两种方法可以做到这一点:RTMPE加密比特并在您和服务器之间提供SSL连接, and that’s a standard way of doing all ecommerce activities,泰勒说。.

“第二件事是,播放器本身有一些通用的键,它允许, 动态, that stream to be de-encrypted. What was happening prior to late last year is people were copying that player, [allowing them] to take the content and un-encrypt it—steal it, 找不到更好的词了. Adobe引入了一种叫做SWF验证的东西,它实际上验证了播放器本身. 例如, if Disney were providing something, they’d have their own validated player, and only players that they distributed could play their content,他解释道.

“我们使用Adobe进行流传输的绝大多数用户都想要RTMPE或SWF验证,或者两者兼而有之. They either want to encrypt the stream, validate the player, or do both. But that’s probably preselected in terms of who we are selling to, the Disneys and Netflixes of this world. 社交媒体网站, 像YouTube, 例如,显然他们不需要或不想在他们的流上提供任何加密,泰勒说。. “The content itself is protected in the encrypted stream. The ability to de-encrypt it is protected by that validation of the player.”

If this sounds overly cautious, that’s because there are so many people ready to steal content online. “It used to be very easy to grab an encrypted or protected stream, 去掉加密, and have a file on your computer that was then unencrypted,泰勒说。. “The SWF validations tended to make that harder.”

使用Adobe的系统, 您需要一个可以托管在您自己的服务器上或使用CDN(如Level 3)的内容库. 可以为单个资产或整个库打开或关闭验证. The library itself isn’t encrypted; all encryption happens at the time of distribution. While that causes a small speed hit, 泰勒说, it doesn’t take nearly the same amount of download time as other systems.

“不同的CDN提供商可能会或可能不会收取额外的费用来打开我们谈论的东西. So if you turn on RTMPE or RTMPS,泰勒说。, “some [CDNs] charge you additional delivery charge on your rate per gigabyte, some [CDNs] charge a fixed fee for the feature. 它的变化. You really have to get quotes from multiple CDNs.”

微软的Windows Media Rights Manager和PlayReady DRM技术都有不同的设置, 因为第三方需要, provide the encryption utility, provide the rights database and generate and deliver the license keys. You need to encrypt your library in the first place, and you provide the license key server, 泰勒说. 您可以通过从微软获得核心加密解决方案的许可来实现这一点, 从头开始构建自己的平台,然后在数据中心部署和管理它,或者你可以雇佣像Entriq或BuyDRM这样的人,他们专门提供这类服务, 他补充说.

As for Apple’s DRM, that’s a closed system. Apple uses its own FairPlay DRM for anything protected in the iTunes Store. It’s not something you can use on your own; 这是 something you get by default when working with Apple.

对Adobe当前DRM的价值非常了解的人是BuyDRM的Christopher Levy.com. “Adobe had built the Flash Media Rights Management product, 由于市场条件的变化,他们决定离开这个平台,转向即将发布的Flash Access解决方案. “他们一直在努力开发新平台,我猜他们会在发布新的Flash Player 10后不久发布新平台.利维说.

至于目前的Adobe解决方案:“当市场需要它的时候,它并不是市场所需要的,利维说, "and Flash Access promises to be all that and more."

Levy thinks Flash Access has a bright future. “That’s the platform that’s going to really kick off Flash encrypted media for a variety of reasons; mainly because 这是 compatible with the new Flash Player 10.1. 它不需要你构建一个完整的AIR应用程序来提供带有DRM的内容,尽管它可以与AIR应用程序一起工作,如果这是你选择的路线的话,他说. “The Flash player is very widely deployed; AIR applications aren’t, 从消费者和部署的角度来看,这是区分Flash Access和Flash Media Rights Management Server的关键因素之一, 也.”

“Adobe’s working to build upon their existing FMRMS 1.5 offering using their massive traction in the video space. 能够抓取Flash播放器的更新,然后突然播放器就可以使用加密媒体,这是一件非常重要的事情. I think 这是 going to be worth the wait,” Levy says.

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