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十年前, it was perhaps idealistic but not entirely unreasonable to hope that the fragmentation in delivery codecs, 格式, 和DRM模式将在2015年解决. 而不是, the landscape has gotten even more complex as the number of connected devices and operating systems has increased.

So what are operators looking for when they make investment decisions to refresh their content transcoding capabilities? 在产品范围中存在变量, 内容范围, 金融方面的考虑, 还要考虑基础设施的能力. Here are the thoughts of select vendors in this space, gathered ahead of new product launches at NAB in April.

“今天的文件互操作性并不完美, and every system will have to cope with toxic files, 病态的比特流, 丢失的资产, and a whole host of operational issues in an elegant fashion,布鲁斯·德夫林说, 首席媒体科学家 达利特数字媒体系统. “They have to do this while simultaneously providing configurations for very low-level encoding and wrapping controls to make the files just right for the enormous range of nonstandard delivery specifications that are out there in the wild.”


Devlin’s prescription is a transcoding system that can create all of the output 格式 that an operator’s new business model requires, but with a level of automation that allows the operator to do this without a huge increase in staff.

从基于文件的角度来看, 运营商需要灵活的百家乐软件, 托尼·琼斯说, 技术主管, 电视压缩 爱立信. While core processing can deal well with day-to-day processing requirements, 他建议, operators will also have times when they acquire new libraries of content, and at these times 爱立信 views the cloud and other pay-as-you-go options as more appealing to operators.

“Businesses are increasingly looking to the cloud to manage peaks in content processing, and also to avoid the hefty opex costs tied to on-site provisioning,琼斯说.

对于线性内容, Jones believes operators’ perspectives have changed a great deal over the past 12 months. 一年前, operators were primarily concerned with getting services up and running; now operators are having to pay storage and 凝视成本 every time that content is viewed, and encoding performance is starting to matter much more他说。. “By reducing the bitrates for linear content or the size of the files captured, CDN成本, 凝视成本, 而且存储成本都可以降低. Now more than ever, operators are focused on ways to reduce costs per view.”

一次又一次, 转码器供应商认为可扩展性, 可靠性, and future-proofed technologies are the keys to unlock operator wallets.

灵活性通常有许多参数, 克里斯·诺尔顿概述道, 流媒体行业的传道者 Wowza媒体系统. “A transcode solution must be compatible with their existing infrastructure, 与他们现有的工作流集成, and be fully accessible via API to allow tailored management and automation.他说。.

对于Wowza, 可靠性包括可预测的性能, 24小时运营, 高优先级内容的冗余. Scalability includes scaling up to take advantage of more powerful hardware, 跨地域扩展, 在本地和云计算实例中运行, and instituting a licensing model that scales with usage.

“The solution also needs to be future-proofed,” Knowlton says. “Most operators need support for transcoding and transrating into multibitrate H.264 video and AAC audio, which can be packaged into common traditional and adaptive streaming 格式. For those in emerging markets with legacy technology in many devices, support for H.263视频有时仍然是一个关键的要求. 流式编解码器, 格式, 和不断流动的装置, operators can’t risk buying a solution today that won’t support their needs for tomorrow, 如HEVC视频, 4 k的决议, MPEG-DASH流, 无论接下来发生什么. 随着技术的发展, it’s much better to have a software-upgradeable solution that they know won’t need a truck roll for every update.”

John Riske, director of product marketing for media at Brightcove, knows that operators will find an encoding bottleneck an unacceptable impediment to business growth. He says the buying criteria for operators should be around solutions that scale automatically to meet demand, without any capacity planning or other operational friction.

“Another key to avoiding operational friction and expense is to avoid encoding errors and any manual intervention in the process,Riske说。. “Content providers also need instant access to the state-of-the art for video 格式 and codecs so that they can deploy content as quickly as possible. HLS和DASH等格式正在迅速发展, and content providers are looking for solutions that get them what they need in a timely manner, 不增加费用,也不延长升级周期.”

HDMI Dongles, Adaptive Bitrates Create New Challenges

A companion trend that 爱立信 raises is a rise in higher versions of profiles, 如720p50或720p60全帧率HDR. This has been driven by consumer use of HDMI dongles (such as Chromecast or Roku Streaming Stick) with large-screen TVs, as well as improving capabilities of high-end tablets.

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