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在线直播 Is Still Playing Catch-Up to TV, Says VDMS: Video



特洛伊德雷尔: Hi this is 特洛伊德雷尔, coming to you from 流媒体 East, 2016. Where we're talking to thought leaders of the streaming video industry. 我和丹尼尔·桑德斯在一起.

丹尼尔·桑德斯: 你好.

特洛伊德雷尔: 视频工程副总裁 威瑞森数字媒体服务.

丹尼尔·桑德斯: 是的.

特洛伊德雷尔: And all the many companies that they have acquired, giant umbrella.

丹尼尔·桑德斯: 我们有很多事要做.

特洛伊德雷尔: 现在AOL在他们的资产中.

丹尼尔·桑德斯: 是的.

特洛伊德雷尔: And people are rumoring that maybe Yahoo soon too, we'll see if that happens.

丹尼尔·桑德斯: 是的,无可奉告.

特洛伊德雷尔: 无可奉告,这里什么都没有. You were on a panel today talking about bit rate and squeezing video files down, 我知道你们公司做了很多活, 这有一个特殊的困难, 正确的?

丹尼尔·桑德斯: 是的, I mean today's panel was really about work flows as they exist today in the marketplace, 以及它们在未来会如何发展. Where algorithms and ways of compressing video are actually aware of what the content is, 内容中发生了什么. So if it's a talking head you treat it one way, if it's a golf game you treat it another way. 有很多关于, 具体来说,你们知道, Jan Ozer was talking a lot about how these algorithms can evolve, and what I was really talking about was the importance of being able to fit all these things into your work flows, the importance of being able to get the 正确的 device to decode and, 你知道编码器不是一切, 你必须能够解码, 包在正确的DRM中. If it's studio content you've got to be able to get the stuff through the CDN. You've got to be able to get it to the device to decode it.

I was providing the counter balance to the purely compressionist technology perspective. 在威瑞森,我们做很多视频直播, 质量特别, 我们做很多直播,也做一些视频点播. 过去我们经常使用MPEG. 我们今天仍然这样做. I'm involved in evaluating newer technologies that might get us further, 减少对网络的压力, 以较低的比特率提供更高质量的视频. 这对我们来说非常重要, 假设我们运营EdgeCast CDN, 世界上最大的CDN之一. We're constantly expanding, we have eighty POPs around the world. Every bit counts when you're pushing it through the network. 我对这些技术很感兴趣, I've yet to see them really integrate into a lot of the existing encoders that people are using all the big ones. 那里有很大的潜力.

特洛伊德雷尔: For encoding and decoding, how is live different than VOD?

丹尼尔·桑德斯: 好吧, one of the obvious ways is a lot of these techniques, one of the techniques that was mentioned today was a seven pass process through the video, 如果你在做直播, and people are already complaining that the live stream is fifteen seconds behind what's actually happening, then you don't want to be introducing something else into the chain that's going to add more latency. Whereas if it's a Hollywood movie that you've received and your video ops team has received two weeks ago and you're not putting it into your store for another week, 如果你想的话,你可以做700次. 是啊,只是时间太敏感了. With live stuff the DRM considerations usually fall off, 这对灵活性有好处, but then the pressure you get from the liveness requirements really makes it more difficult, 我想说的, 整体.

特洛伊德雷尔: How much latency will your customers put up with in live video?

丹尼尔·桑德斯: HLS has inherent latency in it, even in the best of times. You can sometimes see drift of fifteen seconds, up to a minute. Also if you're doing ad supported video, that can contribute. You know if you have a fifteen or thirty second ad break, you've got to catch up afterward. We have a lot of special sauce in that area of trying to compress the delay but 我想说的 up to a minute is acceptable but if it's a sporting match you don't want to hear the neighbors screaming and you wonder what's going on for a minute. That's another area I think that just has to evolve to catch up. One point that was made today is that we're always play- With all the IP models of delivery we're playing catch up with TV. 在许多方面,电视仍然是一种更好的体验. Hopefully we'll get to a point where that reverses and 4K delivered over the internet is just as good as over cable.

特洛伊德雷尔: 希望很快. 好吧,这个人会让它发生的. Coming to you from 流媒体 East, this is 特洛伊德雷尔.

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平台带来了视频管理, while 威瑞森数字媒体服务 is supplying the CDN and the single-format encoding.