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最后一个问题, we explored the many technological inroads being built to bridge the IP-to-TV gap for the delivery of high-quality video content. 在第二部分中,我们将讨论内容所有者, 生产商, 和 aggregators to explore how they perceive 和 are addressing these new opportunities to deliver their content to the TV.Read on to hear the thoughts of major players in three of the most popular types of content: TV shows, 电影, 和, 因为找不到更好的词了, 新媒体属性.

当涉及到对内容的需求时,可以肯定地说, every platform would love to be able to deliver shows from leading networks like Fox 和 MTV. Yet despite both publishers’ penchants for aggressively pursuing new-media opportunities, you won’t find their content associated with most of these IP-to-TV platforms.Much of this has to do with the continued nascence of the audience found across this entire space, 更不用说每个单独的平台了. "I would say that it hasn’t really changed for us in that the game continues to be waiting for the numbers to materialize,尼克·洛克威尔说, MTV网络的首席技术官, 他补充说,他希望Slingbox等设备能改变这种状况.这并不意味着这些平台不在他们的关注范围之内. 事实上, Rockwell is a strong believer in the potential of delivering IP content to the TV, 和 he’s had his team considering how best to jump into this space when the time is right. "In many ways we feel that we can do an even better job presenting content 和 advertising on these kinds of platforms due to our traditional broadb和 experience than we can on regular TV,他说. “加, the video-on-dem和 business model is much less complicated on these kinds of devices than it is on the cable infrastructure."

准备在这个空间里玩, MTV has made some first steps towards playing in the IP-to-TV space through a deal with Microsoft that enables their Overdrive web-video service to be accessed directly through the Windows Media Center interface. "That was really kind of the first best opportunity for us to prototype what this is, 我们的内容如何融入其中, 在这种情况下,我们如何为观众提供服务, 以及这种体验是如何运作的,罗克韦尔说. “这对我们来说是非常有启发性和有用的. 有了这些经历,我们会觉得自己准备得很充分.MTV电视网与微软的关系也在继续发展, including an announcement at the Consumer Electronics Show in January about the incorporation of Nickelodeon’s Turbo Nick product within Vista.

But despite Microsoft’s hope that users will more frequently hook their Media Center PCs to TV sets, 洛克威尔知道通常情况并非如此, 在很多方面,这与他们迄今为止所做的工作无关. “他们把电视和电脑连在一起了吗? 不知道,也不在乎,”他说.

这一点得到了福克斯数字媒体高级副总裁马特·格洛策的赞同. "To some degree you’re dancing on the head of a pin with looking at all these things separately,他说. “当你谈论个人电脑作为一个容器时, moving that to a TV just means that it happens to be on a screen in the living room. 先不谈导航问题, 你说的还是宽带视频, 和 I’m not sure it’s much different than some of the stuff that we think of in the past. I don’t think it’s an insignificant development that video travels to the living room, 它只是不能彻底改变你所创造的视频类型."

And taking that thought even further: "The challenge is about what’s the sort of product or service, 你的内容能给消费者带来什么样的主张, 它的商业模式是什么, 不管它是落在书房里的盒子上还是落在客厅里的盒子上,Glotzer说. “印象的价值, 例如, is not greater or lesser on the two-foot interface than the ten-foot interface.“话虽如此, 这两家网络都牢牢抓住了这些新机遇, 和 they’re preparing themselves to jump in with both feet when the time is right. “任何我们认为对消费者有吸引力的东西,我们都愿意接受. 我们从不回避这些讨论, 但并非每次讨论都能达成协议,Glotzer说. He goes on to cite two key elements to determining which opportunities to take advantage of: Fox’s strong desire to ensure that their content is not put at unnecessary risk, 和 that whatever deals they work out aren’t solely a means to someone else’s end.

"Bringing video to the TV from the internet is still something we will go toward, 我们正在取得不错的进展, 但这并不是这场竞赛中唯一的奖品,Glotzer继续说道. “还有很多其他的事情, 其他形式的编程和交互级别, that take advantage of the fact that multiple screens are running in the user’s field of vision at the same time. 在电影搬上大银幕之前,不只是人们在凑合."

One last item Rockwell mentions is the impact of YouTube 和 video-sharing sites on diverting attention away from what had long been the goal of delivering TV over the internet. "One thing that’s kind of thrown everyone for a loop a little bit has been the success of sites like YouTube, which really kind of avoided all of the complexity of the interface 和 any kind of real pushing the envelope in any way on the experience or behavior level, 加上使用超短形式的编程,他解释道. "That’s kind of caused people to take their eye off the ball in terms of creating what you’d consider TV-like experiences on the web. While we’re taking note of YouTube’s success 和 trying to absorb the lessons learned there, we’re also trying not to lose sight of what IPTV could be 和 may very well become.

而电视节目在网上找到了舒适的新环境, 证明了消费者愿意在个人电脑上观看较长的内容, some content just can’t be experienced in the same way when sitting at a desk versus lounging in front of the TV. 也许没有比故事片更好的例子了, which dem和 high-quality video on big screens with high-fidelity audio in order to come anywhere close to replicating the experience of going to a movie theater.

So, 不足为奇的是, some of the key enablers of digital movie distribution are pushing hard to make inroads to the TV through IP platforms. Movielink就是这样一个推动者, the online movie rental service formed by the major studios 和 charged with the task of learning the ins 和 outs of delivering 电影 over the internet. “我们发现,尽管我们相信有市场, 和 it’s proven that people are interested in consuming entertainment on the computer, 人们更喜欢在电视上看长篇视频,吉姆·拉莫说, Movielink的首席执行官. “所以我们要看看电视上的每一条路."

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